Access to breastfeeding education and information as well as skilled lactation care has been limited in Black, Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) communities due to long-standing issues such as inequities in our health care systems, the challenges of parenting while working, lack of paid family leave and lack of affordable childcare. Additionally, historical trauma has impacted many generations and created barriers to learning about the benefits of breastfeeding and human milk. The Lactation Station Program (LSP) goal is to empower women and families to increase their knowledge about breastfeeding as well as increase the rates of breast/chestfeeding initiation and duration in our community. LSP provides breastfeeding support, education, and resources to breast/chestfeeding families and their support village. The lactation counselors will help families with positioning, overcoming anxiety, managing nipple pain, pumping, and much more.
To further our goal, Pettaway Pursuit Foundation partnered with the Pennsylvania Resource Organization for Lactation Consultants (ProLC). Through the American Academy of Pediatrics (PA AAP) First Food program and the Pennsylvania Department of Health (PA DOH) $5,000 grant, PPF and ProLC launch the “Connecting the Dots for Successful Breastfeeding" project. The objective of this project is to: